What Al Quran said about Alien or Animal or life in the different world or Planet or Mars.
Al Quran is the most powerful science-fixation.
Al quran ensure 100% truely about Alion / Alien .
Today's research result of science what say's ! ; Al Quran already said it more than 1400 years ago.

What is Alion?
Yes, Alion is an imaginary animal which fast thought scientist Mr. Thalas. According Mr. Thalas idea different types of animal or live may exists in the different world or Mars like this world.
Some of others Scientist / astronomer also feel about lives exists others orbit, secondary planet.
Famous Mathematician C.F. Gaus and C. Gras also imagine like Mr. Thalas . They also propose to attract alion in different methods.
Now we see what Alquran say's about Alien's?
Alion is a name of an imaginary animals which name alion given by the scientist?
Its not a real name. It's a propose name .
Al quran has several proven which 100% ensure life exists in different planets as like the world.
Allah said in Sura Al Momin Ayat 64-65 : Allah is that owner who create world as house hold and sky as a roof .
Allah Subhanatalla said in Sura As'Sura Ayat 24-25 : He is the God / Allah who is the owner of all things between asman /sky and jamin / land / earth .
Allah said in sura A'Sura ayat 29 : He said all the animals between sky and earth as his creature.
Allah said in sura Att Talak 12 : He said about Sky and Land as his creature.
But Allah not said in All Quran any places ' animals or live not exists except this world '
Rather than he said ' This world is the most comfortable places of human beings.
Means there is not any speech from Allah " no animals or existence of live without this world"
Rather than there are so many possibility that there are animals or existence of life have in the different orbit planets.
So, Scientist are encourage from Al Quran because alquran is the modern science book. It's the source of science theorem.