Monday, November 2, 2015

Halal Haram Animals List Alphabetical Order | Halal (allow) Haram(not allow) Meat

The following list of animal's meat are halal if they are slaughtered by the of name Allah Suhanatallah and the process of Sunnah of ( Prophet Mohammed S:[]). Otherwise the list of animal's meat not halal although animal is halal.

There are domestic animals , wild animals and Sea animals which are allowed and which are restricted for Muslim.

The list of halal and haram animals name alphabetical order- Domestic, Wild, Sea

Halal(Allow) Meat – Permissible To Consume

1 Addax

2 Albatross Sea Bird

3 All types of samak (fish)

4 Alpaca

5 Anglerfish

6 Antelope

7 Argali

8 Barracuda Fish

9 Birds without talons

10 Bison

11 Blackbird

12 Budgerigar

13 Buffalo Meat

14 Bustard

15 Camels

16 Catfish

17 Chicken

18 Cormorant

19 Cow

20 Crane

21 Deer

22 Dogfish

23 Dove

24 Duck

25 Eels

26 Egret

27 Eland

28 Finch

29 Flamingo

30 Francolin

31 Gazelle

32 Geese

33 Gemsbok

34 Giraffe

35 Goat

36 Grebe

37 Gull

38 Hagfish

39 Hares

40 Heron

41 Hoopoe

42 Ibex

43 Ibis

44 Kangaroo

45 Kingfisher

46 Lamb

47 Llama

48 Locust

49 Loon

50 Mackerel

51 Magpie

52 Manta ray

53 Martlet

54 Moorhen

55 Moose

56 Nightingale

57 Oryx

58 Ostrich

59 Ox

60 Parrot

61 Partridge

62 Peacock

63 Pelican

64 Penguin

65 Petrel

66 Pigeon

67 Pike

68 Puffin

69 Quail

70 Rabbit

71 Reindeer

72 Ringdove/ woodpigeon

73 Roebuck

74 Roller

75 Rooster

76 Shark

77 Shearwater

78 Sheep

79 Small birds (sparrow, swallow, finch)

80 Snipe

81 Spoonbill

82 Springbok

83 Stag

84 Starling

85 Stingrays

86 Stork

87 Swan

88 Tern

89 Tern/ sea swallow

90 Thrush

91 Trout

92 Turkey

93 Turtledove

94 Wallaby

95 Waterbuck

96 Wildebeest

97 Wren

98 Zebra

The bellow listed animals and their meats are haram for any Muslims. If he/she believe Al Quran of Allah (God) and Sunnah or hadis of prophet Mohamed [S:]. To eat any haram food is a sin. No muslim should do this.
Haram (Not Allow) – Impermissible or Restricted To Consume

1 Aardvark

2 Alligator

3 Animals that live underground/ ‘burrow?’

4 Ant

5 Anteater

6 Any sea animal other than ‘samak’ (fish)

7 Ape

8 Armadillo

9 Badger

10 Barnacle

11 Beaver

12 Bee

13 Beetle

14 Bilby

15 Birds with talons that use them to hunt

16 Black bear

17 Butterfly

18 Caecilians

19 Capybara

20 Cat

21 Caterpillar

22 Centipede

23 Chameleon

24 Cheetah

25 Chimpanzee

26 Chinchilla

27 Chipmunk

28 Cicada

29 Clam

30 Coati

31 Cockle

32 Cockroach

33 Cony

34 Cougar

35 Coyote

36 Coypu

37 Crab

38 Crawfish

39 Crayfish

40 Creepy crawlies – insects – bugs

41 Crocodile

42 Crow/ all birds that eat beef only

43 Cuttlefish

44 Dingo

45 Dog

46 Dolphin

47 Donkey

48 Dormouse

49 Dragonfly

50 Dugong

51 Eagle

52 Earwig

53 Elephant

54 Ermine

55 Falcon

56 Fennec

57 Flea

58 Fly

59 Fox

60 Frog

61 Gecko

62 Gerbil

63 Gharial

64 Glede

65 Gopher

66 Gorilla

67 Grasshopper

68 Grizzly bear

69 Groundhog

70 Hamster

71 Harrier

72 Hawk

73 Hedgehog

74 Hippopotamus

75 Hornet

76 Hyena

77 Iguana

78 Jackal

79 Jaguar

80 Jellyfish

81 Jerboa

82 Kinkajou

83 Kite

84 Kitten

85 Komodo dragon

86 Krill

87 Ladybird

88 Leopard

89 Lice

90 Lion

91 Lizard

92 Lobster

93 Lynx

94 Mandrill

95 Marten

96 Mayfly

97 Mice

98 Millipede

99 Mink

100 Mole

101 Mongoose

102 Monkey

103 Mosquito

104 Moth

105 Mule

106 Muskrat

107 Mussel

108 Newt

109 Nutria

110 Octopus

111 Opossum

112 Orang-utan

113 Owl

114 Oyster

115 Panther

116 Peccary

117 Periwinkle

118 Pig

119 Polar bear

120 Porcupine

121 Praire dog

122 Racoon

123 Rat

124 Rodents

125 Sable

126 Salamander

127 Sannakji

128 Scallop

129 Scorpion

130 Sea snail

131 Sea squirt

132 Sea urchin

133 Seal

134 Shrew

135 Skunk

136 Slug

137 Snail

138 Snake

139 Spider

140 Sponge

141 Squid

142 Squirrel

143 Starfish

144 Stoat

145 Termite

146 Tick

147 Tiger

148 Toad

149 Tortoise/ turtle

150 Vermin/ pests

151 Vole

152 Vulture

153 Walrus

154 Wasp

155 Weasel

156 Whelk

157 White abalone

158 Wolf

159 Wood louse

160 Worm


  1. All see animals are halal including crawfish, octopus, sharks anything that lives in sea and that doesn't pose a danger if consumed. what are your sources for listing this kind of animals as haram... furthermore in many Muslims countries such as in north Africa and the Arabian peninsula clams, crabs, shrimps are consumed

  2. World Animals Foundation is a close-knit community of dedicated animal enthusiasts committed to elevating the quality of life for all living beings. We will empower you with the knowledge and tools you need to provide the best possible care for your furry, feathered, or scaly companions. We are here to guide you through every aspect of pet care, from choosing the right pet for your lifestyle to providing top-notch nutrition, grooming, and health advice.
