According AlQuran - How to rotated the world ,the sun, the moon on each own orbit? From today - Before 1400 Years (about). We know from prophet Mohamed [S:] through AlQuran[Sura Ya-sin:40] Allah said in AlQuran - Sun, Moon , World each rotation on their own orbit.

AlQuran is a miracle creature of Allah Subhanatalla.
In Sura Ya- Sin Allah said in Arabic language كُلٌّ فِي فَلَك
If we explain this sentence we can understand how to rotated letter of the words as like follow of the world, the sun, the moon rotation on it's own orbit.
Sentence or Ayet : كُلٌّ فِي فَلَك
How to rotate each letters in the sentence of كُلٌّ فِي فَلَك
First word first letter : (ك)
Last word last letter : (ك)
First word second letter : (ل)
Last word second letter : (ل)
First word 3rd letter : (فِ)
Last wrord first letter : (فِ ِ)
Rest of the letter exists : (ي)
To understand rotation used word in the sentence or ayet يَسْبَحُونَ (rotationing..)
The word started (ي) and the middle position is (ي), that means (ي) letter is in own orbit and round of this letter rotated others letters.
So, Total circulation follows as like in the sky of world , sun and moon.It's a miracle of AlQuran.
Before 1400 years from today, when Allah Subhanatalla gift Al-quran to the prophet Hazrat Mohamed (s:) as oral words or voice (not like a written book). Can you imagine how much miracle incidents included there. What a miracle matching oral words or sentence with physical ob-stances. Subhanallah!. Allah is almighty he can anything.He can what he want.
We should more research of Alquran for more knowledge. Because Al Quran is a power and the solution of all the things.
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